I've been busy "Moguling" as I like to say...lol...and in all of that hustling and bustling I had a meeting a few days ago with some of my artists and members from my team ** @WhoisSep @Drehal and @TheRealBrotherJ to discuss some conceptual ideas for an animated music video.
An animated music video that is liked by me a lot is a video done by Pearl Jam a few years back called "Do The Evolution" which showed you how humans who evolve don't really evolve at all, and that violence and it's kill capacity is all that exceeds throughout the ages. I can't tell you all what I have planned for @TheRealBrotherJ but I can say this...it will be controversial and it will stimulate discussion which is what I think true art should do.
Watching this video I thought: this must be how the aliens see us as a species...lol

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