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Monday, July 13, 2009

Minister Farrakhan Explains the Mentality Behind Michael Jackson’s Self Hate

In an interview with CNN reporter Don Lemon, Minister Farrakhan breaks down the psychology behind Michael Jackson’s lifelong struggle with self hate and the multiple surgeries he underwent to erase his blackness. Farrakhan says “the evidence is there” that Michael didn’t have enough love of himself. I posted this video because I personally know that the Farrakhan family had ties to the Jacksons, most notably through Jermaine; and from those various business dealings I'm sure a few meetings between the esteemed African American leader and Micheal Jackson did occur, some even say Micheal had converted to Islam and there might be some evidence to that effect as well - although he was not given (so it would appear) a traditional Muslim burial.

Aside from the surgeries which we all know Micheal had done to his nose and hair; this is a video of Larry King Live, it's about the condition that Micheal suffered from called Vitiligo, and Micheal was the most famous person plagued by this disease. Lee Thomas is a Detroit anchorman who's been suffering from vitiligo, a rare skin disease for 15 years. Vitiligo results in gradual loss of skin pigmentation. Lee Thomas, talks to Larry about "Turning White" and how people can overcome this traumatic and disabling disorder.


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