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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scientists Predict: "Predictive Texting" Turning Kids Into Fast-Thinking Idiots

Via: gizmodo.com

A study published in the Journal of Bioelectromagnetics, says that children aged 11 to 14 abusing predictive texting in cellphones are turning into fast-thinking idiots. Sounds about right. Of course, lead researcher Professor Abramson doesn't say it exactly that way:

The kids who used their phones a lot were faster on some of the tests, but were less accurate. We suspect that using mobile phones a lot, particularly tools like predictive texts for SMS, is training them to be fast but inaccurate. Their brains are still developing so if there are effects then potentially it could have effects down the line, especially given that the exposure is now almost universal. The use of mobile phones is changing the way children learn and pushing them to become more impulsive in the way they behave.


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