I'm up as usual...in the wee hours of the night doing some reading and researching, usually about different things; things that will engage my mind and make me think outside of the consumerism that we're all surrounded by on a daily basis (my blog has always been about more then just my opinions on fashion and music). I'm reminded of some words that I had read somewhere by Malcolm X and I quote: "...it's a crime what people don't know about their history. And we have not only to learn history, but I invite you to that other excitement, the excitement of unlearning history, unlearning the history that you learned". I remember those words hitting me in an unusual way because I had never known up until that point that one should "unlearn" something, and the process of unlearning became even more fun then learning itself.
I am quoting Malcolm X because in all honesty; his autobiography was one of the first books that turned the light bulb in my head on about various subjects like history, religion, philosophy, human rights etc. Now I'm about to get into a subject that's a bit sticky for a lot of people, and most people tend to avoid it whenever possible - that subject is Religion (but I'm unafraid to examine it). A lot of people think Religion is a waste of time, a dividing issue that isn't needed in an age as modern as the one we live in. To those people I say...Cool...if it's that bothersome or uncomfortable for you then by all means leave it alone. But for the people who wouldn't mind tarrying along, then to you I say WELCOME, and let's delve into it together. This is another quote by Malcolm X that sums up the theme of my blog post tonight, and it reads as follows:
"Do you know that if you and I know history we know the right religion? The only way that you can become confused, that you can become mixed up and not know which religion belongs to God, is if you don't know history. In fact, you have to know history to know something about God. You have to know history to know something about God's religion. You have to know history to know something about God's people. You have to know history to know something about God's plans and God's purposes."
Now...I'm of the opinion that Africa gave a lot of things to the world, one of those things is "spirituality" and like most of the other things that are African originated inventions; ideas fell at the mercy of those colonizers who came, snatched ancient African concepts and then CHANGED them to suit other customs for other cultures. This isn't an uncommon thing to do, it's been done with Music, Fashion, Culinary art, and it's no different when it comes to spirituality and religious doctrines; people will always clone what's popular and re-arrange it to make it look as if it's a newer original idea. But nothing new is under the sun; it's all been here before, just with a slightly different name, said in a slightly different way, and if done long enough the fervor associated with those beliefs will be long held traditions that some people would openly die for. Consider this blog post a PART ONE in the discussion about religion and history, and watch these videos below about the presence of Africans in the region known as Israel today, because that presence has a lot to do with who were the originators of many of the world's spiritual concepts.
My Concluding Point: In Ancient times and even up until this very day, the original Ethiopians, Egyptians and Israelis are virtually the same people. The biblical figure known as Moses was mistaken for an Egyptian (remember the story wherein Moses as a baby was snatched from the river Nile by Egypt's Queen). When Jesus's life was threatened when only a little boy, his mother Mary took Jesus and fled into Egypt where they could hide, if they were of any other racial delineation other then African then they would have been detected easily in that population. The ancient Egyptians and Ethiopians were the same people; the nations of Cush, Mizarim, Phut and Canaan are all Brothers.
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