The links to MP3 files provided in these posts are to be used for previewing only.

If you are an artist or copyright holder, and would like links to your music removed, email: Productindemand@gmail.com

** We believe that if you like what you hear, then you should go out and buy it and support the artist. Any shared links on this site, is a means of simply trying before you buy**

These downloads are not hosted on our server, nor sanctioned by our company in any way. After downloading any music from our website, we suggest within 24 hours you delete the music and purchase the record. By clicking on the link above and downloading the promotional music, you agree that "I AM IN DEMAND.Com" is not liable in any way, and you are solely responsible.

Keyword Search Engine

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surviving the Economic Downturn, in case you haven't noticed, were in a drought, so let's UNITE!

One of the keys to surviving the economic downturn is to join forces, create partnerships, and begin working together. In a hip-hop culture, hipster targeted niche blog industry, it’s sometimes very difficult to reach and impact the numbers of readers we would like too if were just “one blog armies”. It’s also financially difficult to expand and improve upon our web offerings if we don’t make the necessary capital to cover the cost of expansion. This is especially difficult during tough economic times, as ad revenue slows and the amount of web properties (ad inventory) increases. That’s why working collectively with other blogs within a similar genre allows each blog to feed off the other blog’s successes. This is the aim and objective for I AM IN DEMAND.COM, because if my partners aren't in demand, then neither am I.

You've probably seen us blog about one of our main partners in our strategic approach to bring (Torontonians in particular) a step closer into a fashion realm that hasn't yet reached critical mass because it purposely doesn't sell to the clone (mall shopping) population of people. There is a new generation of alternative people who understand their context within the greater society and they are no longer interested in showcasing any one particular brand when expressing themselves fashionably.

I AM IN DEMAND.COM reaches out to those people through our affiliate store called 'Multi' in Kensington Market, Toronto-Canada. In 2009 there will be some changes to this blog and MORE PARTNERSHIPS that will only give you the blog-viewer MORE options and MORE information about what's really happening in the world of trend-setting and creative lifestyles. The brands WE carry are not accesible brands within the populace of hip hop fashion stores that are out there, if it isn't anything but EXCLUSIVE then we don't want to showcase it.

Rap artist JD Era visits our affiliate store

JD Era at: 'Multi'

...And checks out the Turntables within the store

I AM IN DEMAND.COM endeavours to keep up to date on the most elaborate trends within music, fashion and politics through interesting topics, photographs and video content that will be updated on a daily basis. Our site will also list the latest stories from other network sites at the bottom of each blog entry thus allowing users to stay current on the latest network topics. Our aim is not to become too mainstream, but to stay relatively close to the culture that inspires the creativity within us. Themes along those lines can be seen in the things we update you with concerning our affiliate store 'Multi'.

Accessories...for your B-Boy Stance

Some belts...

Our T-shirt game is vicious...(Two Black Guys)

An authentic "Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali training Tee...

And something for the message-inspired tee-shirt wearer

We're doing it big in 2009...and it's all about who your partnering with...

If your in the Toronto-Area...

Visit us at:

167 Augusta Ave, Toronto-Canada
Kensington Market
Email: multitoronto@gmail.com
Tel # - 647 637 6139


Anonymous said...

Malik this is awesome, I'm coming to this spot on my day off sometime.

Anonymous said...

It seems like a dope place, gonna check it out for sure...That Cassius Clay Tee is crazy.

Anonymous said...

I went there the last time you posted about this store...I really did like the place, its off of dundas, west of spadina. Wasn't too hard to find the place, nice location. Didn't see you there that day, but I hope to see the writer of this blog next time.


Malik Melech Solomon said...

Thanks guys...more things to come in 2009 for sure.